6 Tips to get sparkling teeth

We all want to have a shining smile every day. But there is a lot of difference in between reality and thinking. Celebs always have a sparkling smile which makes us go wow!  Here are some teeth whitening hacks just for you:

1. Concoct your own stain-blasting formula: Mix 3 tsp of baking soda with 2 tsp of hydrogen peroxide and use this paste to brush away stains.

2. Straws just became your secret whitening weapon: Dark foods and liquids such as coffee, tea, and red wine tend to stain teeth. We don't want to miss our morning coffee, so just drink it through a straw. Make sure to rinse or brush your teeth after consuming dark liquids.

3. An apple a day doesn't just keep the doctor away: Apples are great teeth-cleansing fruits. Many believe that eating them cleanses the teeth and removes staining.

4. Keep in mind that springing for a professional whitening treatment might be well worth it: In-office bleaching is one of the quickest and most efficient whitening processes available. Celebs have it on their schedule right along with colouring or cutting their hair. 

5. And if you're really willing to splurge, veneers are the way to go: Many beautiful smiles are created with porcelain veneers. They are a permanent and long lasting fix to any poor colour, staining, chipping, or crooked teeth.

6. But sometimes, whitening is just a swipe of lipstick away: Wearing bright red lipstick will make your teeth pop and appear whiter than they are. Choose blue-based lippies over orange-red tones, as the former will create even more of a brightening optical illusion.

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