5 Tips to reduce oil from your face

During the summer season, it really gets tedious when your face starts looking oily. Who doesn't want a clean and fresh look? but owning it everytime is not at all easy. We get exposed to dust and dirt every day and hence your face attracts all the pollutants present around you.

Here are the tips on how you can reduce oil from your face easily.

1. Gentle Face Wash: Make frequent use of oil-clearing face wash for your face. You can make use of it religiously may be twice or thrice daily. By doing so, you eliminate the oil build-up from the clogged pores. 

2. Micellar Water: This water acts just like a toner on your face. It helps to remove unnecessary sebum and don't let your skin get too dry. 

3. Blotting Sheets: To reduce your face oil use Blotting sheets as it contains glycolic acid. You can use occasional sheet or two every day.

4. Use face mask: Applying clay mask as the best way to beat oil and impurities from your face. You can use this mask once a week and you can also add ingredients like honey and shea butter for hydration.

5. Watch your diet: Food products which are rich in anti-oxidants and Omega 3 fatty acids craters healthy skin. So in general, stay away from food items which are high in sugar or fat.

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