Make your lips pink in these five ways

You must have often seen that the lips of Bollywood stars and models look pink and beautiful. They take special care of their entire body along with their face. Therefore, in the desire of pink lips, people buy expensive lip balms found in the market. But the harmful chemicals in them have a bad effect on your lips. During this time, you can adopt home remedies for beautiful lips. So let's know about them.

If you are troubled by dandruff on rainy days, then follow this home remedy!

Remedy for pink lips

1. Rose petals can be useful for pink lips. For this, soak 3 to 4 rose petals in 2 tbsp of milk overnight. After getting up in the morning, mash it and make a good paste. Now apply this paste on the lips and scrub it for some time. To see the difference, you have to do this daily for at least fifteen to twenty days.

2. Make a paste by mixing one fourth spoon turmeric in a large spoon of milk. Now scrub the lips with this paste for five minutes. After this wash the lips and apply a good moisturizer. Do this process every other day before sleeping.

Turmeric is very good for health, can be used in various ways!

3. Beetroot is a natural lip balm. Peel and chop it and extract the juice from it. After getting up in the morning, after thoroughly wiping the lips with cotton, apply the juice of the powder and wash it. Do this process for a few weeks. You can also add honey to it.

4. Mix small spoon glycerin in 1 small spoon lemon juice. Before sleeping at night, clean the lips properly and apply it well with cotton or fingers, and after getting up in the morning wash it. Do this process before going to bed every day for a few weeks. If you want, you can make its mixer and also store it in the fridge.

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5. In a large spoon aloe vera gel, add a small spoon of coconut oil. Apply it before sleeping every night. This will remove blackness on your lips and will also remove dryness.

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