These home remedies will get rid of dry nose

Many times suddenly the nose starts to itch. Yes, and as soon as you see it, there is a feeling of dry nose inside the nose, which sometimes starts sneezing. Actually, this problem is more in the summer season and many times due to the change in weather, dehydration, dust-dirt particles in the atmosphere, pollution, the nose also dries up. However, the problem of a dry nose occurs at the time when the internal nasal passages dry up. At the same time, the nose can also cause the crust of the mucosa. You all know that the nose is such an important part of the body, through which we breathe. Through this, we can smell anything. You may also know that the nose prevents dust-dirt tiny particles of soil, and allergic polylines from entering the body. However, due to a dry nose, many times you may also feel trouble breathing. Due to this, it is important to take proper care of the nose. If you have a dry nose or a problem with a dry nose, you can adopt some home remedies that we are going to tell you about.

* If your nose remains dry from the inside, apply coconut oil inside the nose. Yes, because this will keep the moisture in the skin inside the nose and the dried cells will also be healthy. For this, you can get rid of a dry nose by adding two drops of coconut oil to the nose.

* Saline water or saline water also cures the problem of a dry nose. Prepare it easily at home. For this, add 1 tsp pure salt or sea salt to half a cup of water. You can put it inside the nose from the nasal spray bottle. Try to inhale vigorously by placing this water on the palms, so that the water can reach the sinus cavities and then drain it out after 10 seconds.

* Vitamin E oil can also get rid of the problem of a dry nose. Vitamin E oil keeps the skin hydrated. G. Actually it contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory elements, which heal a dry nose. Let me tell you that put one or two drops of vitamin E oil inside the nose. Do this twice a day.

* You can also use olive oil. It also removes the problem related to the nose. Coconut oil, vitamin E oil and olive oil provide moisture to the nasal passage. This reduces the problem of dryness. Relieve itching, and swelling. You lie down inside the nose with a few drops of olive oil i.e. olive oil and do this two to three times.

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