Beauty Hacks: Try this homemade packs to make your skin glowing and beautiful

If you want to look beautiful and want to make your skin glowing then you should try homemade face packs. This will make your skin look younger without stains and wrinkles. Even if your skin is sensitive, you have nothing to worry because this face mask is completely safe for all skin types and will not harm you at all. Today we are going to tell you about a homemade face pack which can help you to look beautiful.

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Removes Dead Skin: Some women don't like scrubbing. A better option is to mix rice flour with honey or olive oil. This is a good scrub that removes dead skin properly.

Secret of young skin: Skin problems such as dark spots, using rice on the face, start healing. Rice is rich in vitamin E with its anti-oxidant properties. Using which the fine lines of the skin begin to fade away. Also, the skin starts to glow.

Remove dark circles: If you are troubled by dark circles then apply this rice flour mixed with castor oil. This will remove dark circles as well as fine lines around the eyes.

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Tips to make rice face mask: To make rice face mask you need these ingredients: 1 teaspoon milk 4 tablespoons rice 1 teaspoon honey

To make the mask, first, wash and boil the rice well. After boiling, filter and mash it well. After this, mix milk and honey in it and make a mask.

How to apply face mask: Apply the rice face mask on your dry skin and allow it to dry. After drying, clean this mask. Now wash the face with the same rice water that you used to boil.

Using a rice mask provides moisture to the face and also reduces the fine lines. It also makes the skin of the face smooth and soft, which makes you look younger again. Apply rice facemask once a week. Within a few days you will see a difference.

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