Homemade effective home remedies for Hair Straightening at home

Straightening your hair by going to the salon, can be really costly item Also because of the chemicals being use, it will do you more harm than good. You can make hair straightener treatments at the comfort of your home without damaging your hair. You can start with the below Hair Straightening Recipe:

Hair Straightening:

Ingredients: 3 Tbsp cornstarch, 2 Tbsp olive oil, 1 cup coconut milk, 1 Lemon juice (about 4 tablespoon)


Combine the lemon juice and cornstarch until the mixture has no lumps. Mix the mixture with the olive oil and coconut milk and stir continuously using medium heat. Do this until you achieve a creamy consistency. Apply it on your hair for 1-2 hours. Then place a shower cap and hot towel on top of it. Rinse using shampoo and conditioner.

Note: Repeat 2-3 times per week or when needed

How This Hair Straightener Works:

Coconut milk and Lemon Juice

Lemon juice and coconut milk help straighten hair and loosen curls. Coconut milk have a hair straightening ability. Also it is a great hair moisturiser which gives your hair a beautiful shine. It also has the benefits of having anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties to keep your scalp infection free.

Olive Oil

Olive oil helps improve blood circulation and conditions your hair. Also applying olive oil to the scalp of your hair will help it to healthier and faster.


Cornstarch helps it turn it into the creamy texture to coat all hair strands.

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