Honey keeps the lungs healthy

Over time, air pollution has increased so much that due to this, now the health of the people has started to suffer. The worst effect of pollution in the atmosphere falls on the lungs, because with the help of the lungs, we pull the oxygen into you and release carbon dioxide but by air pollution many toxic gases harm our lungs in our body. So, it is very important to keep the lungs healthy in today's time. Today we are going to tell you about some of the things that you can keep your lungs healthy. 

  1- To make you strengthen the lungs, add some granules of water in the night before sleeping, leave the seeds on the morning when you wake up and eat sweets and drink the water of silk as well. If you consume it for 1 month continuously, it will strengthen your lungs 

2- By eating a spoon of honey in the morning empty stomach, the lungs are strengthened and there is no associated disease.

3- The use of grapes is beneficial for those who have asthma problems, but if you have diabetes problems then do not abuse the grapes. 

4- If you want to keep your lungs healthy always, then put 5 figs in a glass of water regularly and boil well and then take it twice a day. By doing so the lungs are cleansed and are also strong.

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