How much does the railway get per unit of electricity, how much is the electricity bill in a year?

In India, many people find traveling by train to be a comfortable option. But do you know how much electricity is consumed by electric trains and how much the railway has to pay for it?

About half of the trains in Indian Railways run on electricity, while some trains still run on diesel. It is noted that electric trains consume 20 units of electricity per kilometer. Compared to diesel engines, electric trains are more economical and cheaper.

According to media reports, electric trains running in the Ajmer railway division are traveling one kilometer for every 20 units of electricity consumed. Notably, electric trains are more cost-effective and affordable than diesel engines.

As for the electricity bills of trains, the railway pays around ₹6.50 per unit of electricity. Thus, if 20 units of electricity are consumed per kilometer, the total cost per kilometer comes to ₹130.

Therefore, the railway's electricity bill depends on how much electricity it consumes in a month. You might also wonder why trains don’t stop even when there are power outages in many areas.

It is important to know that railways receive electricity directly from the power grid. Therefore, trains never lose power. This electricity is supplied to the grid from power plants, from where it is sent to substations. This is why you see electrical substations near railway stations.

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