how social media marketing is different from traditional marketing

Marketing as a concept has been with us since the early years of human civilization. When Traders traveled from one region to another with their merchandise, they usually promoted them to the local buyers by orally demonstrating the features & benefits of their merchandise.

What is Marketing?

Historically, this way of convincing buyers was termed as personal selling. But as the global world changed this concept has been diversified to include the product creation as per the customer needs, convince the customer how the product can fulfill his needs & then getting the transaction done. Now today this concept is termed as Marketing. As technology influenced business & commerce, new ways of promoting products came up such as mass media marketing, electronic marketing & telemarketing. All these formats helped businesses to easily reach new & potential customers. Now, the internet has revolutionized the concept of marketing as you can utilize online platforms such as social media platforms to market your product & services. Tools such as Hootsuite, Canva & SMM panels help in convincing the customer. This approach is called social media marketing & it has far-reaching benefits than the ways of traditional marketing. In this article, we will see the major difference between traditional marketing & social media marketing & how tools such as SMM panels can make it more effective.    

Difference between Social Media Marketing & Traditional Marketing:-

1) Reach: - traditional marketing such as electronic marketing & mass media marketing has a vast reach to the audiences but there you can't bifurcate which audience is your potential customers & which is not. But in social media marketing, you can only focus your marketing efforts in convincing your potential customer without wasting time on irrelevant ones.

2) Cost: - traditional marketing has never been a cup of tea for small businesses as they can't afford the cost of advertising on TV, radio, or even in newspapers. Until now, this had been a major advantage for big businesses. The advent of the internet, especially social media, has changed the table now as even small businesses can promote their products on social media & if they have an effective strategy then they can even beat the sales figures of their big competitors.   

3) Audience: - in recent years, social media is getting much more attention from youngsters as compared to TV, radio & newspaper. They are spending much more time browsing social sites than those early means of entertainment. So this has made social media an influential tool for marketers for attracting new customers & at the minimum cost bearable. There is no doubt that marketing opportunities on social media are vast but today you have to face intense competition on these sites to have greater reach to their potential customers such as many focuses to increase Instagram followers to get more visibility on Instagram. Some tools can help you in winning competitions on social media & one of them is the SMM panel.

What are the SMM panels?

SMM panels are social media marketing tools that help you in buying likes, comments, shares, followers & subscribers for different social media sites. With a good number of these materials of social engagement, you can give a boost to your marketing campaign on any social media site. Cheap SMM panels are easily available on the internet. Paytm smm panels & PayPal smm panels are also widely available for online purchase. So now you have a better understanding of how social media marketing is better than traditional marketing & how tools such as SMM panels can be used to have better reach on social media sites.

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