Recruitment for Staff Nurse and other 21000 posts, know the last date

Health and Family Welfare Department, Government of Odisha, eligible candidates can apply for this job till 27-7-2020 on 21000 vacant posts of Staff Nurse, Pharmacist and ANM. This is the last date to apply. You should apply for this job as soon as possible. Eligible and interested candidates can know the last date to apply, application fee, selection process for the job, age limit for the job, details of the posts, the names of the posts, educational qualifications for the job, total number of posts You can get the very important information related to the job below.

Name of post- Staff Nurse, Pharmacist and ANM

Total Posts - 21000

Apply in this way:

Eligible and interested candidates apply on the prescribed format of the application form, along with education and other qualifications, date of birth and other necessary information and documents, along with self-restrictive copies and send it before the due date.

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