How to define the beauty of eyes??

Eyes are a beautiful part of our face. Beautiful eyes bring a different outline in your personality. So today we are going to tell you some special tips to make eyes beautiful.

1- If you are going to do make-up, then mix the milk and cucumber juice before cooling it. Then soak it a bit, then wet it and keep the soiree roasted on your eyes for ten minutes. Then cool water Wash and wash eyes.

2. If you are going to the makeup of your eye, then first put a little Highlighter in the light shimmery colored on the eyes and the eye shadow brush matching the color of the skin. After applying the shadow, put a little highlighter in it. Then later, its eyelids Curl a little. Put two coats of mascara on your eyelids.

3. Applying the eyeliner on eyes after applying a-shadow. You can give your eyes a beautiful shape by using eye liner. When the eye makeup becomes complete then work your eyebrows. Finally, lighten them with eyebrows pencils.

4- Whenever you use make-up on the eyes, do not sleep by putting it on any time. With the help of cleansing gel and wet cotton, bring makeup to the eyes.

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