How to get rid of Itching in Private Parts

Itching in Private is very common in both men and women, there is no need to hesitate about it but try to find a solution for it, as it can make you and the other person uncomfortable. Here are a few easy home remedies which help you to get rid of it.

Apply coconut oil and try pure and fresh coconut oil. Make sure it is free from any chemical content. Apply the coconut oil directly to the area.

Apply yogurt and honey: Sugar-free yogurt is considered one of the home remedies for itching caused due to infections. Mix two to three drops of honey with the fresh yogurt. Apply the mixture to the the parts.

 Apply creams: there are many over-the-counter antifungal creams that can bring you relief. They kill off the yeast, which soothes the itch. 

Apply Honey: Honey provides a soothing effect due to its anti-inflammatory properties. It calms down the burning sensation caused due to itching and also reduces itching.

Boric acid: The powdered form of boric acid helps treat yeast infections. A  even suggests its effect is similar to fluconazole. However, a few facts describe the long-term safety of using boric acid powder. 

Apply Icepacks: If the itchiness is intolerable and goes beyond the tolerance level, a cold compress is one of the best home remedies for private part itching. It provides quick and fast relief from the burning sensation around the vaginal area.

Wear Cotton underwear: It is helpful if you have any sort of vaginal or vulvar discomfort. Cotton underwear is breathable, which means that it can help reduce itchy skin conditions.

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