How to get shopping on Alibaba March Fest2019? Your guide is here

The Alibaba.Com platform currently provides suppliers with tools that help reach global buyers regarding their products and services, and helps buyers get product information, find the right suppliers, and to complete their transactions (payment, inspections, shipping, etc.) in an efficient way. It serves millions of buyers and suppliers from over 190 countries and regions around the world. India is one of the key markets for Alibaba.Com.

also read Loot Lo! With Alibaba March Fest 2019, Mobile Phones at discounted rates brings you hundreds of millions of products in over 40 different major categories,including consumer electronics, machinery and apparel, home & garden.Buyers for these products are located in 190+ countries and regions, and exchange hundreds of thousands of messages with suppliers on the platform each day. This can be find in left hand side menu tap as shown in image below.

In Hot selling, you can find consumer electronics products with widest ranges of products.

In appearal section, all items related to women,men,kids are being listed.

Don’t forget to catch weekly deals that gives from 30% off in categories products.

And at last you find recommendation of products based on your previous search,

also read Special offer for credit card users at Alibaba March fest in shopping…check detail inside

For Discount, Many suppliers will offer discounts on their products, with coupons ranging from 5% to 20%.Coupons can be found on supplier pages and site’s coupon page.Reedem coupons starting march 4th and keep collecting through March 31st.You may use one coupon per transaction.Also, Alibaba.Com makes it easy for you to try something new through huge weekly deals that last upto 7 days offering-Low minimum order quantities. Deep discounts starting 30% off Fast dispatch time from the factory.

Suppliers are unveiling 12000+ new products for March Expo. Be the first to bring the latest to market by looking for the labels below that indicate a product is New Design- the latest styles, colors and innovative products based on 2019 trends. New Material- New plastics, fireproof goods and other innovative materials. New Energy- Solar, wind and other green energy options. New tech- More efficient technologies and manufacturing processes.


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