How to get Silky Hair ?

Every women wants a Long, luscious hair. Many Indian women suffer from frizzy, unmanageable hair that lacks shine.

Regardless of whether short hair is trending or long hair, so many girls crave for soft and silky hair.

Here are some tips to get silky hair:-

1. Healthy Diet is must: Try to consume as many vitamins as you can in the form of fruits, especially citrus fruits as vitamins play a major role in maintaining the growth of hair and cuticles. Try to consume as much water and fluids as you can.

2. Choose The Right Products: You need to choose the right products to pamper your hair. Chemically loaded shampoos, conditioners, and styling products can have adverse effects on our hair in the long run. Always avoid shampoos with alcohol in them. Alcohol tends to strip the hair of its natural oils.

3. Oil Massage: Oiling the roots provides nutrition and strength and helps your hair grow long, strong, and shiny. It also helps rejuvenate dead hair shafts.

4. Combing Hair: Putting mild pressure on the comb while combing our hair stimulates blood circulation. It also helps to spread the natural oils from the scalp to the hair tips.

5. Cold Water Treatment : Hot shower can be rough on your hair and strip the moisture off your hair. Rinsing with cold water, gives you soft and silky hair.

6. Regular Trimming: Trimming the lower portion of your hair every six to eight weeks is advisable as it ensures that the damage is minimum, and your hair is healthy.

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