How to give bad news in the real good manner?

In our life, we need to face with some bad news but not every time. There is a proper form of proposal or way to deliver the bad news to someone. Nobody wants to receive bad news only seeking for good news, but when they must they prefer receiving it straight, without any barriers, suggests new research. So when it comes to delivering bad news, one should speak directly and not beat around the bush, or such harsh way although the bad news is a bad news if you scratch it less that will be good for others as most people prefer directness and honesty when they must hear something unpleasant.

For each day to day received a message, they ranked how clear, considerate, direct, efficient, honest, specific and reasonable they perceived it to be. They also ranked which of those characteristics they valued most. The researchers found that if someone is delivering bad news about a social relationship – think “I’m breaking up with you” or “I’m sorry" or maybe "you’re fired,” or maybe more bad and same dialogues of Doctor ”I’m sorry he/she is no more” one might prefer they ease into it with the tiniest of buffers. However, “an immediate ‘I’m breaking up with you’ might be too direct,” said Manning, adding, “all you need is a ‘we need to talk’ buffer — just a couple of seconds for the other person to process that bad news is coming.” now remember when you got some bad news.

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