How to treat pink eye at home!!!

Pink eye also called conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the thin, clear covering of the white of the eye and the inside of the eyelids. There are several causes for pink eye such as Viral conjunctivitis, bacterial conjunctivitis and allergic conjunctivitis.

Simple home remedies can help cure pink eye

Cold water

If the pink eye is caused by an infection splashing cold water will help clean the eye. You can also apply cold press for relief.

Boric powder

Take cold water and mix around 2 tablespoons of boric powder. Wash your eyes with boric powder water. You can take a cloth dip it in the mixture and press on your eye. Do this 10 to 12 times a day and your pink eye will be cured.

Tea bags

Tea bags will soothe the eye and relieve you of pain. Add used tea bags in the refrigerator for some hours and then press on your eye. This will help healing the pink eye.


Add 3 tablespoons of honey to 20 ml of water. Dip a cotton ball in the solution and add over the eye.

Onion juice

Take 2 onions, peel and squeeze the juice. Add some water. Apply the mixture on your eye with a cotton ball and keep for about 10 minutes. Do this atleast three times a day.

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