After seeing such a fish in the lake, people got stunned to see!

By the way, we have heard and seen many times about sea creatures. If you get to see something very different in some places, then you have got to see very strange creatures. But sometimes we are confronted with some such creatures, which are difficult to believe even in our own eyes.

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Something similar has been seen in a village in China. Here a fish resembling a human face is seen swimming in a lake. The same person who saw it has been very surprised. The video of this peculiar fish is being very viral on social media. According to the information received, it has been revealed that a video of this fish with a human face was recorded by a woman with her camera. It has been seen in a lake in Miao village.

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The same you can clearly see in this video that the fish comes floating on the banks of the river and is trying to eat something. which are being shared on this Twitter. The same 14-second video has been viewed more than five and a half million times so far, while it has received 17 thousand likes and has retweeted more than five thousand people. People have also made various comments on this video. Some people have described this fish as scary, while some people have described this video as edited. So many people are justifying this as false.

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