Has herd immunity evolved to combat corona among people in India?

Herd immunity has developed or not in Delhi people is not clear yet. In a survey, it is being said that 40 lakh people have recovered by themselves.On this also the question arises that in order to develop herd immunity, what percentage of the population has been prepared to resist infection or disease.

First of all, no one knows about the peak of corona. This can only be gauged from the upcoming new case of Corona. Researchers believe that when cases continue to fall for 14 consecutive days, then the peak has arrived. Now speaking of New York, there was a rapid increase in cases till April, which means that the worst condition in the whole of America was there. Then the decline began in May which continues. AIIMS's Randeep Guleria believes that the peak of Delhi has arrived in the past week. Because there is a drop in the number of cases.

The purpose of Peak's departure is not at all that the corona is finished. But after this, the number of new cases falls. In such a situation, when the peak has passed, the government can think about opening a stalled economy. Now the question arises why the corona did not spread that much. The reason for this may be the rules of lockdown and social distance. Or it could be that, after the epidemic of such a large population in India, herd immunity has developed. Due to which the coronavirus may prove less terrible.

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