If faces hair breaks down So Make this hair pack In The Home, Hairs becomes healthy for forever


Protein deficiency often weakens hair. Hair breakdown sits often bother and is willing to do anything for it. You use expensive hair products for this purpose. But did you know that you can eliminate this hassle from home-made hair packs without spending any money? Today we're going to tell you the same hair pack that you can easily make at home.

Ingredients: An egg- The protein in it strengthens the hair and reduces the discomfort of their breakdown. Two green tea bags – these will help to enhance the beauty of your hair and make them shiny.

Do it ready and use-

First, take 2 green tea bags and put it in a cup of water and bring to a boil. Drain it when cooled. Now boil an egg in the bowl and stir it well. Add 3 to 4 teaspoons of green tea water (which you have sifted).

Comb the hair thoroughly and sort them well. Now apply this pack well over the entire head with the help of a brush. Wash and shampoo after drying. Use this hair pack twice a week.

In addition, you can also create a hair pack that can help you eliminate dandruff problems. First of all, take some fenugreek seeds to suit the length of your hair and soak them in water overnight. Grind in the morning to make a paste and add an egg to it. Apply it all over the head. Wash and shampoo after about half an hour. This will also help in hair growth.

also read Follow these hairstyles according to fashion trends

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