If Menstruation Occurs During Karva Chauth, Here's How to Perform Worship According to the Following Guidelines

Karva Chauth falls on the 1st of November. On this day, married women observe a fast for the long life of their husbands. Karva Chauth holds great significance in the Hindu religion. According to the Hindu calendar, this festival is celebrated on the fourth day of the dark fortnight of the Kartik month every year. On this day, women observe a nirjala (without water) fast for the longevity of their husbands. The festival holds great importance for the moon as well. Women fast throughout the day and break their fast after seeing the moon in the evening as part of the rituals. This fast is observed once a year, and married women eagerly await this occasion throughout the year. In such a scenario, if menstruation begins, women often find themselves in a dilemma about whether to perform the rituals or not. Let's discuss how to perform the rituals during Karva Chauth if you are menstruating.

How to observe Karva Chauth fast during menstruation: If menstruation starts during the Karva Chauth fast or puja (worship), women should try to complete their fast. During this time, it is important to maintain faith in Karva Mata (a symbolic deity of married life). Women observing the fast can arrange for someone else to perform the puja on their behalf while maintaining a distance. It is important not to touch any of the puja items during this time. If menstruation is ongoing, women can mentally chant mantras during the puja.

Why you should not perform puja during menstruation: According to ancient beliefs, it is said that during menstruation, women's bodies have a higher flow of energy. This energy is considered too potent for the gods to handle. Hence, women are advised not to perform any religious rituals or puja during menstruation. However, women can still observe their faith and devotion through mental worship and prayer during this time.

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