If see lemon and chilli on the road, then do this...

According to our scriptures, it is believed that on Saturdays, people are often found hanging lime peppers outside their homes, shops, vehicles. It is believed that by doing so, Lord Shani becomes happy and at the same time His grace remains with everyone. Now we're going to tell you about some of the same facts about hanging lemon peppers outside the house, shop, vehicle, and so on. Yes, it is said that doing so has many benefits that are shocking. Let us know.

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* Say lemon pepper tote is used to remove negative energies as well as avoid the bad eye from hanging lemon peppers outside your home, shop, vehicle.

* They say that if there is lemon pepper on the road, it should never be forgotten because doing so affects negative energy.

* It is also said that if you are not getting a job, adopt 4 cloves in a lemon and then chant the mantra 108 times. By doing so, The grace of Lord Shani will be upon you and you will get a job.

* It is said that after rotating the lemon 7 times over the head and cutting it into two pieces, the left-handed lime pieces are right-handed and the right one is lucky to throw it to the left and God Becomes The Grace of Saturn on you.

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