If you also have pain in this place again and again, then be careful

Nowadays people consider chest pain as a symptom of heart attack, but this is not completely true. Before a heart attack, many parts of our body give various signals. Due to changing lifestyle and wrong eating habits, cases of heart attack are increasing rapidly. Earlier this problem was mostly seen in the elderly, but now it is becoming common in younger people as well.

Causes of heart attack:  There can be many reasons for a heart attack. If you suffer from high cholesterol, diabetes, obesity or high blood pressure, then your risk of heart attack increases. If the patient is not immediately taken to the hospital after a heart attack, he may even die.

Signs of a heart attack:  Most people consider only chest pain to be a symptom of a heart attack, but this is not true. The pain of a heart attack can also occur in many organs.

Neck, jaw and shoulder: Heart attack pain can spread from the chest to the neck, jaw and shoulders. This is more common in women and is sometimes mistaken for a dental or muscle problem.

Pain in the left hand: If you have persistent pain in your left hand, it can also be one of the symptoms of a heart attack. Sometimes this pain reaches both hands, causing a feeling of heaviness or discomfort.

Back pain: Some patients who have suffered a heart attack complain of pain in the upper back. This pain usually occurs between the shoulder blades. This symptom is more common in women, but it is often mistaken for a muscle strain or fatigue.

Abdominal pain: Sometimes, upper abdominal pain that we mistake for indigestion can also be a symptom of a heart attack. If this pain is accompanied by shortness of breath, fatigue, nausea or vomiting, consult a doctor immediately.

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