If you also want to increase your weight, then eat these things.

Just as weight gain increases the risk of many diseases, excessive weight loss also indicates that you are not physically fit. When there is some internal problem, the weight also starts decreasing. There is no problem with some people, yet they look thin. If you want your weight to increase by two to three kilos, then include the following foods in your diet from today itself:

Eat these foods:

If you want to gain weight, then take ghee regularly. Eat it by applying it to bread and mixing it with pulses. Eating sugar mixed with ghee also helps with weight gain.

Eating almonds also increases weight. Keep six and a half almonds in water at night. Peel it off in the morning and grind it in a grinder. Now add 30 grammes of butter and sugar candy to it and eat it with bread or roti. If you want, drink a glass of hot milk. Then see how your weight increases by two to three kilos in a month. You can also give it to children to eat to increase their memory capacity.

If you eat fruits, then definitely eat pomegranates. It is rich in vitamins. Pomegranate also increases blood. By consuming it regularly, the speed of blood circulation increases, and obesity also increases.

Follow Ayurvedic formulas

Cheese is a good source of protein, so if you want to gain weight, then consume it regularly.

Rich in calories, protein, calcium, fibre, vitamin B, and iron, soybeans are a good source for both those who increase and reduce obesity.

Not only is blood formed in the body by eating dried dates, but boiling them in milk and drinking this milk before sleeping increases the amount of fat in the body. The body becomes strong.

Eating potatoes also increases weight. Often people avoid eating things made of potatoes, like french fries, potato chips, etc., for fear of gaining weight. If you want to gain weight, you can eat them, but eat them in limited quantity. Potatoes are a good source of carbohydrates. Eating this increases obesity. Boil the potato and take it with milk.

It is said that bananas also increase weight. It contains sources of energy like calories, carbohydrates, and potassium. To gain weight, eat two bananas with warm milk daily.

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