If you want good health then eat less than your hunger

Intestines are an important part of our digestive system, both large and small intestines play an important role in our digestive tract. When we eat healthy and nutritious things from the food it carries out the toxic substances from our body. They should work properly to stay healthy, otherwise, there may be problems in digesting food and the risk of developing stomach disorders increases. A

Do not eat too much to eat more than your appetite causes many health problems. Not only does excess weight increase due to this, but it also reduces the activation of our intestines, because intestines have to work harder to digest more food. 

Include high fibre diet in your diet, it is easily digested, and keeps the intestines more active. Stay away from fatty foods and processed foods, they give birth to constipation and other digestive problems. Add balanced foods containing fiber to their diet instead. Fibers present in vegetables, fruits, cereals and nuts help your intestines function properly. 

Drink water, there are many benefits to drinking water, by which we take out the toxins present in our body and keep their intestines healthy as well. If you take more quantity of fiber and do not drink enough water with it then your intestines can be damaged. Therefore it is beneficial to consume adequate water. 

Avoid red meat, it causes digestive problems and also damages the intestines. The amount of saturated fats in red meat is high, which can increase body weight. Apart from this, cholesterol found in it has a bad effect on the intestines.

Ayurveda says rest is necessary to keep the intestines healthy. The intestines are attached to the brain. About 95% of the body's serotonin keeps your intestinal tract in its own different brain system. Therefore, it is necessary for the brain to be healthy. 

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