IM A WOMAN FOR GOD's SAKE NOT A BARBIE DOLL, posted Urvashi Dholakia

Tele actress Urvashi Dholakia slammed her haters for body shaming her. Urvashi posted on Facebook page:

"WTF is wrong with people today ?? What's with the obsession of looking thin ?? What's the bloody definition of looking thin?? I hate to be skin and bones .. hate the thought of size fucking zero .. I love myself just the way I am ! Be it healthy or healthier .. IM A WOMAN FOR GOD's SAKE NOT A BARBIEDOLL ! There is a difference !! Get it ..!
During an interaction wth a leading daily, Dholakia revealed the reason behind the post. She said that it was an outburst after meeting a friend who told her that she looks beautiful but needs to lose weight. She added, "It's easy for someone to tell me that I need to lose weight. Do they realise that I might have some issues? Nobody knows that I was hospitalised for 15 days immediately after my exit from Bigg Boss because of subacute intestinal obstruction. I was put on a low-fibre diet, which made me gain weight. However, I didn't exert my body to shed off those extra kilos. I did it the organic way, and it took time. Also, I can't be looking the way I did 10 years ago. My body has changed with age. Besides, size-zero is not a yardstick for good health. I feel healthy without being slim. I don't want to join the rat race of looking thin; I am not going to play a typical heroine at this stage."
She went on to say, "There are times when I am thin and when I am not. How many men are well-maintained in our country, especially when they have crossed 35? So why pressure only women? Don't we deserve good-looking, toned men? We have been aping the West since forever now, but that can't be applicable to our bodies. We are built differently."
Urvashi admitted that she has never visited gym but has been taking pilates classes nowadays, "I have never been to a gym in my life and I am bloody proud of it. I don't mind an hourglass figure, but size-zero is not for me. I find the race to lose weight stupid, and I just can't relate to actors spending hours at the gym. I was threatened to be sacked from a show unless I lost weight, but I sailed through. I didn't retaliate as I was badly in need of work back then."
She added, "I feel I look much better now."

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