Significance of yellow colour value in the scriptures; read on!

In Hinduism, most yellow coloured clothes are used in auspicious activities. This colour is considered to be extremely auspicious in the scriptures. Even at the time of marriage, the bride is often seen wearing a yellow sari and taking seven turns.

Astrology is also considered to be of great importance to this colour. Also, give information, the yellow colour is related to Jupiter planet. Dev Guru Jupiter is said to be the planet that carries out auspicious tasks. This colour is considered to be quite energy-generating. It is the principal colour of Jupiter. Today we're going to explain why this yellow is the same.

According to astrology, it does remove negative thoughts. Calms the mind and keeps it away from misconceptions. Also, wearing a yellow colour strengthens the guru planet.

The importance of yellow: Using this colour is considered quite auspicious while worshipping and reading. Painting of this colour on the outer walls of the house is considered to be good. The use of this coloured handkerchief has also been considered beneficial to keep negative energy away from yourself. Turmeric Tilak works by keeping the mind sattvik and pure. The yellow colour is also considered to be dear to Lord Vishnu. And that's why people consider Thursday to wear this colour. Thursday is considered the day of Lord Vishnu.

Caution: There are a few things to keep in mind when using this colour. As such overuse of this colour can adversely affect the digestive system. Also, its use may result in heaviness in the eyes and head. It is said that overuse of this colour can sometimes lead to sleeplessness.

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