Corona wreaks havoc in America and Japan

Tokyo: The outbreak of Corona that is getting increased suddenly is taking the form of epidemic for the whole world. This virus has caught more than 114000 deaths so far. But still this death game has not stopped. This virus has rocked the whole world today. The condition of Japan and America is getting worse.

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Twitter users raging on PM of Japan : Japanese Prime Minister AB Shinzo has advised people to stay at home. He shared a video on Twitter, in which he is drinking tea lying on the couch with his dog and advising people to stay home. As soon as this video came out, the user fiercely rebuked him. One user wrote that AB's message ignores the problems of those who are facing the crisis of livelihood during this epidemic. So far 6,000 cases of infection have been confirmed in Japan.

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Corona havoc continues in America : Corona havoc continues in America. More than half a million people have been infected in the country, while 21,300 people have died so far. The state of New York is the worst. 758 people died in a day here. So far 9,385 people have lost their lives. However, more than one lakh 80 thousand people have been infected.

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