Indian doctors living in US sent 5000 oxygen concentraters to India, coming soon

New Delhi: While foreign countries have extended their hands to help India, which is facing a second wave of the Crying Epidemic, Indians living abroad are also not shying away from helping. The Association of Indian Physicians (FIPA) formed in the US has extended its hand to help its country facing the corona crisis. Oxygen concentraters are being transported by this union to various states of the country.

According to media reports, 5000 oxygen concentraters are being sent by a group of American doctors of Indian origin. The Association of Indian Physicians has reported that 5000 oxygen concentraters have already been purchased. Out of this, 450 concentraters have also reached Ahmedabad, 325 are going to Delhi and 300 concentraters will go to Mumbai. Dr. Raj Bhayani, President, Association of Indian Physicians said, "The unit will be received from local Indian partners, hospitals, temporary isolation centres. From here, they will also be transported to remote areas of India. So that the needy patients can get oxygen.'

Union President Dr Raj Bhayani said about 3500 concentraters are ready to be sent now. They have been transported to the Indian Embassy by FIPA from where they can be flown to India at the earliest. The pace of infection in India is increasing rapidly. In the last 24 hours, 4 lakh 14 thousand 188 new cases have been reported, while 3,915 people lost their lives due to the virus on Friday.

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