Indian Teenager Kaamya Karthikeyan Becomes Youngest Indian to Summit Mt Everest from Nepal Side

Sixteen-year-old Kaamya Karthikeyan has made history by successfully summiting Mount Everest, becoming the youngest Indian mountaineer to achieve this feat from the Nepal side. Kaamya, the daughter of a naval officer and a class 12 student at Navy Children School in Mumbai, reached the summit alongside her father, Cdr S Karthikeyan, on May 20.

Kaamya's successful summit of Mount Everest (8,849 meters) was confirmed by a statement issued by a Navy spokesperson, celebrating her achievement as the second youngest girl in the world and the youngest Indian mountaineer to summit the world's highest peak from the Nepal side.

In addition to her historic Everest ascent, Kaamya has also completed six milestones in her pursuit of the '7summits challenge', which involves scaling the highest peak on each of the seven continents. Her next goal is to climb Mt. Vinson Massif in Antarctica in December, aiming to become the youngest girl to accomplish this remarkable feat.

The Indian Navy congratulated Kaamya Karthikeyan on her achievement, posting pictures of her expedition on their official social media accounts. "#IndianNavy congratulates Ms. Kaamya Karthikeyan, daughter of Cdr S Karthikeyan, on becoming the youngest Indian and the second youngest girl in the world to summit Mt. Everest from the Nepal side," the Navy's post read.

"Kaamya has exhibited immense courage and fortitude in summiting the highest peaks in six of the seven continents," the Navy statement added. "#IndianNavy wishes young Kaamya the very best in her aspiration to summit the highest peaks of all seven continents, becoming the youngest girl to do so. #7SummitsChallenge"

Mount Everest, towering at 8,849 meters (29,032 feet) above sea level, has attracted mountaineers from across the world for decades, with its challenging terrain and extreme weather conditions.

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