India's Nuclear Arsenal Vital for National Security, Says EAM Jaishankar Reflecting on 1998 Pokhran Test

India's External Affairs Minister, S. Jaishankar, reminisced about the pivotal moment in India's history when the NDA government conducted nuclear tests in Pokhran back in 1998. He highlighted the crucial role these tests played in bolstering India's national security. Jaishankar commended the government's steadfast commitment, spanning from 1998 to the current administration, in aggressively tackling terrorism and fortifying border infrastructure.

In a statement shared on social media platform X, Jaishankar remarked, "It was on this very day in 1998 that the NDA government decided to activate India's nuclear weapons capability. This decision has since been the bedrock of our national security. The current administration is carrying forward this legacy by actively addressing terrorism and reinforcing our border defenses."

Emphasizing the importance of political decisions in shaping India's future, Jaishankar stressed, "It's crucial for the nation to acknowledge its leaders' stance on matters of national security, as these decisions chart our country's course."

The minister's reflections coincide with the anniversary of the Pokhran tests, a significant milestone in India's defense strategy under then-Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee. Between May 11 and 13, 1998, India conducted five nuclear detonations at the Pokhran range in the Rajasthan desert. These tests included a 45-kiloton thermonuclear device, a 15-kiloton fission device, and several smaller ones, affirming India's advanced nuclear capabilities.

Subsequent to these tests, the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) released detailed findings in 2009, confirming the success and anticipated yields of the nuclear devices following comprehensive evaluations and simulations. This validation cemented the tests' significance in India's national defense and technological progress.

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