Indore: Fear aroused in Vinoba Nagar, five members of a family corona positive

The terror of Corona in Indore city of Madhya Pradesh is increasing rapidly. After a gap of ten days, the people of the area have been frightened by the return of Corona in Vinoba city. In the first area, three members of the same family, one by one, became corona positive. As soon as two of them returned home after recovering, five members of another family in the area were infected. In view of the increasing number of patients, strictness has been increased on Tilak Nagar Main Road.

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After severe conditions in Tilak Nagar and Vinoba Nagar, on Monday, the corporation conducted intensive sanitization on the road, while on Tuesday, the police officers visited Tilak Nagar. In the evening, about 20 police vehicles roamed in Tilak Nagar and appealed to the people to stay at home. In Tilak Nagar and Vinoba Nagar areas, the corporation got a sanitization done with a tractor tanker. However, regional residents are still complaining about sanitation and fogging in some parts.

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On Tuesday, the death of a young man was stirred up in Vinoba Nagar. Although the relatives took him to a private hospital, it was found that he had a heart attack. There is unconfirmed news that the said youth lived near the house of the same people whose health department team took the test with them on Monday after coming to Corona positive. Residents said that samples of other members living with the five members who were taken away on Monday have also been taken.

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