Indulging into arguments could effect gut of married couples

You might have often observed yourself losing temper during an argument. Winning at an argument may make you feel superior or like a winner but you may not realize the harm that you probably are causing to your body by getting into an argument.

In studies made regarding the same, it was informed that losing temper frequently could effect your gut.

You must have heard the popular dialogue which said Motion Se Hi Emotion. Researches made regarding the effect of human behaviour on the gut justified the vice versa of statement that our emotions control and effect our motion.

The studies stated that married couples who tend to indulge themselves in a lot of arguments that turn into fights caused symptoms such as inflammation in the gut and therefore causing illness.

The marital stress many a times results in a medical condition called leaky gut. In a survey, out of the total number of married couples that were studied, in 75% of the cases it was observed that the couples who fought and mainly got into some sort of non-verbal fight developed a serious issue with their gut.

After the survey, the conclusions were read out to the couples and they were asked to control their tempers for some time. On the execution of it, the researchers concluded that the couples actually felt an improvement in their gut issues.

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