'Insincere Approach' ex-Pentagon official remarks on Pakistan over 26/11 Mumbai attack

Former Pentagon official Michael Rubin, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, said Pakistan's refusal to act against offenders of 26/11 Mumbai terror attack is a testimony to the lack of seriousness from Islamabad in combating terrorism emanating from its soil. The Mumbai terror attack 26/11 has claimed the lives of over 160 people including six Americans, and remaining from other foreign nationals Australia, Canada, France, Italy, the United Kingdom, Japan, Israel, the Netherlands, Jordan, Malaysia, Mexico, Singapore and Mauritius. 

Rubin wrote though 6 people died of 26/11 attack, the number of American victims of Pakistani terror support attacks at various other times. Rubin asserts if Pakistan is really serious about counterterrorism, it would have recognised that there are no factors to justify the Mumbai attacks. Though the lone survivor and the nine terrorist involved in the attack is no more, trial on the seven suspects were underway in a Pakistani anti-terrorism court more than a decade as the officials question the sufficiency and legitimacy of evidence against them proves officials denying the accountability. 

"What happened in India's largest city and commercial capital was a crime against humanity, which no military or diplomatic dispute excuses. The refusal to arrest and try Lashkar-e-Taiba co-founder Hafiz Muhammad Saeed and the group's leader, Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi, simply highlights the reality that the late Osama bin Laden's presence in Pakistan was no outlier but was rather evidence of a pattern in which Pakistani authorities protect master terrorists. Pakistan's insincere approach to countering terror financing, as documented by the Financial Action Task Force, simply reinforces the point," he writes.

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