Know interesting facts about Brunei country

Almost all the countries of the world have such things which is surprising. Brunei is also one such country, where interesting things will surprise you. The monarchy still operates in this country located near Indonesia, that is, the king's rule here. Brunei is a Muslim majority country, where even today women are not given the right to vote. Like many other countries, this country has also been a slave of the British, which got independence on January 1, 1984. It is a custom to put a picture of the wife on the walls of the house. In some houses, pictures of more than one wife are also seen. A picture of the Sultan here is also seen on the wall.

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Drinking in public places is prohibited here. Not only this, people here consider it wrong to eat and drink anything while walking on the road. The most important thing is that people here do not like to eat fast food much. This is why restaurants like McDonald's are also seen here a few times. It is said that more people have cars here than there are in this country. According to a report, there are about 700 cars per one thousand people here. The reason for the cars being higher here is that the oil prices are very low here and at the same time people have to pay almost the same as transportation tax.

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However, the Sultan of Brunei is considered one of the richest kings in the world. A report came in 2008, in which his assets were said to be around Rs 1363 billion. He is very fond of vehicles and that is why he has around 7000 cars. His personal car is studded with gold. The palace he lives in is considered to be the largest residential palace in the world, with more than 1700 rooms.

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