Know intersting secret related to Lord Bholenath

Many people are devotees of Lord Shiva and know everything related to Lord Shiva, but you will probably never have heard the secret that we are going to tell you today. Today we are going to tell you the secret related to Lord Shiva which you will be surprised to hear. Let's know

9 days of Navratri must listen to this mythological story

Put Ganga in braid due to this - If mythology is accepted, then Maharaja Bhagiratha did austerity to bring Ganga to earth to free his ancestors from the blame of life and death. Goddess Ganga was happy with this and she agreed to come on earth. She told Bhagirath that her velocity would not be able to bear the earth and would go into the abyss. Hearing this, Bhagirath worshiped Lord Bholenath. Shiva was pleased with his worship and asked for a boon then Bhagiratha asked him his desire. After this, as soon as the Ganges descended on the earth, Bholenath imprisoned Ganga in his braid to break her pride. However, Ganga also freed when she apologized.

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This is why the moon is on the head - Its story is found in Shiva Purana. According to which Maharaja Daksha married 27 of his daughters with Moon. Moon loved Rohini very much. Daksha's daughters complained about this. Daksha then cursed Moon to suffer from Tuberculosis. To avoid this, Moon worshiped Lord Shiva. Bholenath was happy with the devotion of Moon and protected his life. He also held the moon on his head. Even today, the curse of Maharaja Daksha is considered to be due to the increase and decrease of the moon.

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