International Men's Health Week: THESE Health Checks Men Must Do Now

Men often neglect their health, but it's crucial to prioritize it at any age. Heart disease, stroke, congestive heart failure, kidney failure, and sexual problems are common issues men face. International Men's Health Week is observed from June 10 to June 16, with this year's theme being "Stronger Together," highlighting the importance of men's health.

Regular medical check-ups play a vital role in maintaining health and detecting problems early. Here are the key medical tests that men should undergo:

1. Blood Pressure Check: Men should have their blood pressure checked at least every two years starting from age 18. Regular check-ups can detect high blood pressure early, and lifestyle changes can help control it.

2. Cholesterol Level Check: High cholesterol levels increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. Men aged 20 and older should have their cholesterol checked annually. Those with heart disease should have more frequent checks.

3. Diabetes Check: Type 2 diabetes is a growing concern, especially as men age. People over 40 should monitor their blood sugar levels with tests like fasting blood sugar, postprandial blood sugar, and HbA1c.

4. Prostate Check: Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in men. Screening includes a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test and sometimes a digital rectal examination (DRE). Men over 50 should have this annually, and those with a family history should start at age 40.

5. Colorectal Check: Colorectal cancer is a leading cause of cancer-related deaths. Men over 45 should be screened for colon cancer every two years.

6. Kidney Function Check: Men over 50 should undergo tests to assess kidney function regularly. Early detection of kidney problems can prevent complications.

It's important for men to prioritize their health by undergoing these essential tests regularly. By staying informed and proactive, men can maintain their health and well-being.

International Men's Health Week is observed annually from June 10 to June 16, aiming to raise awareness about health issues that affect men disproportionately. The week encourages men to take proactive steps in managing their health and well-being. The theme for this year, "Stronger Together," emphasizes the importance of community and support networks in promoting men's health. During this week, various organizations, health professionals, and communities come together to educate men about the importance of regular health check-ups, early detection of diseases, and adopting healthy lifestyle habits. It serves as a reminder for men of all ages to prioritize their health and seek necessary medical advice and screenings.

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