International Yoga Day 2018: Beginners guide of Yoga

Yoga is just like sports, Yoga can bring out the best from everyone. The basic idea of Yoga is to improve the breathing and therefore, the complete body will improve in various proportions of postures and physique. It enhances flexibility-enhancing, muscle-building, fat-blasting postures that improve the stamina You may need to start doing it today, it attracts people because of its benefits and therefore If you’re afraid to go to a yoga class, here is a list of ideas and poses that govern yoga for beginners.

Starting: The first and foremost step to yoga is the technique to breathe properly, this is the start of the various yoga aasan you may want to adapt. Mae sure that the lower belly inhales and exhales properly during the process of contraction.The proper intake of oxygen to all the organs in the body is the key to Yoga.

The Postures

1. The Downward Dog

Start straight on your legs, then go down to touch the ground with your hands and keeping your hips up. Making an inverted 'V' with your body. You can keep trying to keep one foot back and front at a time.  You should be looking back between your legs and ground with your palms on the floor. Keep your back straight and shoulders broad.Repeat the pose.

2. The Rag-doll Pose


This pose is good for stretching.  Stand straight with your hips and feet a little apart.  Make sure that your upper body hangs loose and is relaxed on the strength of your legs. Your head should not be under pressure. A little bend for comfort in the knees is accepted. 

3. Tree Pose This pose is extremely great for balancing. The best pose for beginners. Firstly take your hands in prayer position. Stand on one leg and slowly pick up the other foot keeping the lower part of the foot on the other leg. Now, take your hands over your head in the same namaste position. This pose needs a great deal of balancing and therefore induces calmness in the body. 

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