Corona: If Tablighi Jamaat had followed Quran Sharif talks, the condition of country would have been better

The government has put a lockdown to limit the effects of the coronavirus. People linked with  Tablighi Jamaat has played an important role in spreading this virus. But if Jamaat had adopted Islam's advice, then the condition of country would have been better. Quran sharif says that one should follow the laws of the country in which he resides.

For your information, let us tell you that some people are hiding the mistakes made in Hazrat Nizamuddin's Tablighi Jamaat but it is not right for the welfare of the nation. For example, in order to avoid dangerous infectious diseases, we find equality in the instructions of the government and the education of Islam. One of these, the Executive President of the Maharashtra Pradesh Congress, Syed Muzaffar Hussain, says that the religion whose book and its Huzoor Prophet Mustafa Muhammad Sallelahuallahivahsallam (SAW) mentioned these restrictions and precaution thousands of years ago, today in the 21st century science is the same Is asking to follow.

In the critical situation arising from the virus, it is the duty of the believers of Islam to follow the path laid down by their religion and to protect themselves, the society and the people of the entire country and follow the instructions of the government. He says that even if someone violates the government's instructions during the coronavirus epidemic, such a person who acts against society and the country will be considered irresponsible.

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