Islamist Groups Oppose Durga Puja: No Idol Immersion, No Worship Allowed, Say Protesters

Dhaka: As Durga Puja draws near, tensions are escalating for the minority Hindu community in Bangladesh, facing significant opposition from radical Islamic groups who oppose open celebrations of the festival. Recently, extremist factions organized a march in Dhaka's Sector 13, protesting the use of a playground where Hindus have celebrated Durga Puja for years. The organization Insaf Keemkari Chhatra-Janta led this protest, displaying placards with slogans such as: "No worship anywhere by closing roads," "No pollution to water by idol immersion," and "No worship to idols."

This group has presented a 16-point demand aimed at restricting public displays of worship and idol immersions, citing environmental concerns. They have called for prohibitions on road closures for religious events and restrictions on government relief funds being used for festival expenses. Insaf Keemkari Chhatra-Janta argues that since Hindus represent less than two percent of the population, Durga Puja should not merit public holidays, claiming it disrupts the lives of the Muslim majority. They also insist that no Muslim should support Hindu festivals for religious reasons.

Among their demands is the removal of temples purportedly built on occupied land in Bangladesh. One contentious demand even states, "Since India is the national enemy of Bangladesh, Hindu citizens must also agree to be anti-India," calling for anti-India slogans to be displayed in temples. These alarming developments are fueling anxiety within the Hindu community as they prepare to celebrate Durga Puja under increasing pressure. Following the fall of the previous Sheikh Hasina-led government, reports of temple vandalism and idol destruction, especially in districts like Khulna, have exacerbated fears.

Despite reassurances of safety from Muhammad Yunus, the Chief Adviser of the interim government, the Hindu community remains on edge as they approach this critical festive period.

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