Jammu temple violation;Protesters set vehicles on flames

Jammu:Mass attacked a police station and set vehicles on fire after in an ancient temple damaged by a mentally disturbed man.As per the police sources said, “The man allegedly entered the Aap Shambu temple in Roopnagar area of Janipur in the evening and broke some items and windowpanes and the man has been detained”

“Following the incident, people in large number came on to the streets and held protests demanding immediate arrest of the accused,” he said.

Simrandeep Singh, Deputy Commissioner Jammu said, “They (mob) attacked the police station and set some vehicles on fire.”

He said, “A large number of police personnel have been deployed in the state and some stone-pelters and arsonists have also been arrested”.

Further officer added, "A case has been registered and the accused has been arrested. He is mentally disturbed and had come to the area to see a psychiatrist,"

"Right now the situation is tense but calm, people became aggressive as some people were under the influence of alcohol," Singh said.

"The one who tried to vandalise the religious place has also been arrested," the deputy commissioner said.

He also said, a police officer who earlier "did not take action" against the man who allegedly vandalised the temple, has been suspended.

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