Japan PM's cabinet-approval-rating declines to record low

TOKYO: Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's cabinet approval rating has decreased to the lowest-ever 51.0 percent compared to a record high of 63.2 percent just weeks ago, a fresh survey has revealed.

The Kishida government's approval rating this past weekend was the lowest since it took office in October 2021, according to the findings of a two-day nationwide Kyodo News survey, as per reports.

A parliamentary debate on the state funeral for former prime minister Shinzo Abe is required, according to 61.9 percent of those polled, while 53.3 percent of respondents said they are against it.

The Kishida administration experienced its biggest surge in support after the ruling coalition parties won the House of Councilors election on July 10 and after Abe passed away after being shot to death during a campaign rally on July 8. However, the government's decision to hold a state funeral for Shinzo Abe drew strong criticism from the opposition and the public who said there are no legal provisions for holding such a funeral.

The increase in Covid-19 infections across the nation and the rising expense of living due to rising commodity prices were further factors in the loss in the popularity for the Kishida ministry.  The study revealed that 53.3 percent of respondents favour the government's reaction to the surge in new cases, down 7.7 percentage points from the prior poll taken on July 11–12.

In comparison to 28.1 percent who support the government's price-control policies, about 63.6 percent disapprove of them.

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