Kashmir Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti ends press meet with Rajnath

Srinagar, On Thursday, an angry Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti brought to an abrupt end a joint press conference with Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh when her stand on ongoing protests were compared with her position during the 2010 unrest.

The 57-year-old Mehbooba was visibily irritated when a reporter asked her about her stand during 2010 agitation and quoted her interviews in which she had questioned the then government led by Omar Abdullah for using force against children and arrest of Hurriyat leaders.

Mehbooba said, "this is wrong analysis. In 2010, there was a fake encounter in Machil where three civilians were killed. After that there was rape and murder allegations in Shopian..."

The 2010 protests were triggered by killing of three youths by Army in a fake encounter in Machil sector of North Kashmir.

This case was initially handled by Jammu and Kashmir Police which registered a case against 11 armymen.

The then government led by Omar Abdullah ordered an enquiry and in record time of two months, all the 11 army personnel were chargesheeted. The case was later handled by the Military court.

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