Like other states in Jammu and Kashmir, this major branch will be established to prevent corruption

Now, like other states of the country, the new Jammu and Kashmir will also have a Lokayukta to take action against administrative corruption. A five-member committee has been constituted on the direction of Lieutenant Governor GC Murmu to explore the possibility of implementing Lokpal and Lokayukta Act in Jammu and Kashmir. The committee will submit its report by 13 December. The committee will also review the functioning and activities of the Vigilance Commission and the Anti-Corruption Bureau.

According to the media report, as per the instructions of the Lieutenant Governor, the General Administrative Department has issued a notification for the formation of the committee. Accordingly, the committee will be chaired by the Secretary of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs. In addition to the Director of the Anti-Corruption Bureau, the Additional Secretary of the General Administration Department, two officers of the Department of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs, who will be elected by the Committee Chairman, will be its members. The committee will study cases related to the definition of bureaucrat, public servant, government official in Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir under the Indian Penal Code.

Let us tell you that Lokayukta Lokpal and Lokayukta Act in the Union Territories was approved by the President on January 1, 2014. Under the Act, the Lokpal for the Republic of India, the Lokayukta are appointed in the State and Union Territory. The Lokpal and Lokayuktas are capable of investigating cases related to corruption of government officials, personnel. However, this law could not apply in Jammu and Kashmir, as Article 370 was in force before August 5, 2019. Apart from this, in the old Jammu and Kashmir, which has now been divided into two Union Territories, there was the Ehtisab Commission to act on the elected representatives and the Vigilance Commission to investigate the corruption cases involving government officials and personnel.

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