Kerala Minister KT Jaleel undergoes another Round of Grilling By Customs

Higher education minister of Kerala, KT Jaleel, facing an investigation into a suspected role in the gold smuggling case as well as active participation in the unauthorized distribution of Quran copies meant for the UAE consulate, was questioned by Customs in its Kochi office for six and half hours.

The minister, who came this time in his official car, unlike on the previous occasions when he turned up at the offices of investigating agencies stealthily, was allowed to go after questioning. The Customs officials only said they have recorded the minister’s statement and did not indicate their next course of action. The Customs case is that Jaleel violated rules by distributing material imported for the use of UAE consulate without paying duty as well as misuse of his office for the purpose. He is also alleged to have violated the protocol by getting in touch with the consulate staff without the knowledge of the external affairs ministry.

Emerging from the Customs office without interacting with the media, the minister, however, put up a defiant Facebook post even while he was being questioned which said ‘a thousand agencies doing penance for over ten thousand years’ will not be able to produce any evidence of any misdeed against him.

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