Kisan Sanyukt Morcha meeting today for future movement

New Delhi: In the midst of a confrontation between the central government and farmer leaders for the last several days, now the United Farmers Front will meet on Wednesday to determine the next strategy of the movement. Leaders of various organizations will participate in this meeting of Kisan Morcha. In this, a strategy will be devised to intensify the movement to open a dialogue with the government.

The decisions that will be taken in this meeting will be communicated to other farmers and on the basis of this, further agitation will be carried out. Everyone's eyes are on this front meeting. Farmers have been sitting on the other frontiers of Delhi, demanding the withdrawal of the agricultural law. Even after 11 rounds of talks with the government, no solution has been found. Now the conversation has been closed for 18 days. Due to which the farmers also blocked the wheel. After which the farmers were hopeful that a proposal for talks would come from the government, but nothing like this happened.

In this way, the United Kisan Morcha has called a meeting on Wednesday, accusing the government of being stubborn. This meeting of the Kisan Morcha will also take place after a long time and in this, the farmer leaders will discuss the situation of the movement as well as the next strategy. Farmers will be made aware of the next strategy of the movement.

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