These are top 6 most controversial Hollywood movies

You may have seen many hit Hollywood movies and you may have enjoyed them very much due to their action and comedy, but today we have brought very shocking news about those films, these movie controversies began with a volatile note with the release of the film "A Serbian Film" in 2010, which has a plot point of baby dirty films that someone should never experience. That's where the Hollywood film "Joker" ended with Warner Bros. revisionist comic book drama, which sparked a worldwide conversation about the films' ability to encourage and incite violence among the audience. 

1. Aloha (2015): Cameron Crowe's film Aloha became one of the most prominent examples of Hollywood films of the decade when it portrayed Emma Stone as a character, a quarter of Chinese. The Media Action Network for Asian Americans spoke publicly against the film, and Crowe was accused of many dirty allegations on Whiteson's character, an Air Force pilot named Allison Ng. The controversy followed Stone throughout the decade, so much so that host Sandra Oh joked about whitewashing "Aloha" at the 2019 Golden Globes. While Emma Stone was also present, she shouted, "I'm sorry!"

2. The Birth of a Nation(2016): 'The Birth of a Nation' won the Grand Jury Award at the 2016 Sundance Film Festival and was considered one of the top Oscar contenders of the year. None of those expectations was met after Parker's 1999 rape trial resumed weeks before Fox Searchlight's October theatrical release. Parker and his co-writer Jean McGannie Celestin were accused of raping a student in Penn State. Celestin was convicted of sexual harassment, but in 2005 the decision was overturned on appeal. Parker maintained proved innocent after the release date of "Birth" came to a close, but his thin apology only sparked outrage among the public. 

3. Blue is the Warmest Color (2013): "Blue is the Warmest Color" created history at the 2013 Cannes Film Festival. Steven Spielberg's jury, director Abdelatif Kitchi, and the film's two actresses, Lesa and Adele. The film's extended graphic sex scenes were always going to prove controversial to viewers (especially in the US), but the film found itself surrounded by controversies, with Sedox and Exclusolus stating on the record that it was a gruelling experience doing sex scenes and never to work with Kechiche again. 

4. Exodus: Gods and Kings (2014): Ridley Scott's biblical epic "Exodus: Gods and Kings" disputed the casting of white actors in almost every major role. The social media movement #BoycottExodusMovie flew in the coming weeks for the film's release. Scott cast white actors Christian Bale and Sigourney Weaver as the lead characters and hired actors of other colours to play slaves, servants and civilians. Bale starred as Moses and Joel Edgerton as Ramesses II, but neither actor was of Egyptian descent, nor did his characters. "Exodus" opened next to "Aloha" and "Ghost in the Shell" and was one of the first major Hollywood films of the decade that ignited a serious controversy.

5. Ghost in the Shell (2017): Paramount Pictures had high hopes for the film "Ghost in the Shell" remake of Rupert Sanders but after a controversy involving Scarlett Johansson in the U.S. The actress was cast as the film's lead Motoko Kusanagi, who is traditionally animated as a Japanese woman in both manga series on which the film is based and a 1995 anime film. Johansson and the filmmakers tried to justify the casting decision because Johansson's character is a cyborg and thus does not belong to a specific ethnicity, but it was a soft excuse that was one of the most arrogant examples of Hollywood whitewashing in the past decade.

6. The House That Jack Made "(2018): The House That Jack Built "Really Cause Hundreds of Walkouts at its Cannes Film Festival World Premiere. While many critics of the appearance deny the fact, that initial rumour branded "Jack" as the most controversial film of 2018. Never need to be shocked, Von Trier included scenes of a duck being bitten (PETA had to clarify that it and not an actual animal and a moment in which the main character uses it to kill a child. Throw in extremely violent acts against women (a woman's breast is cut off) and is considered one of the most shocking films of the decade.

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