Know the difference between Cabbage and Lettuce?

Are you also one of them who think lettuce and cabbage are two names with the same vegetable. The word "lettuce" comes from a Latin word 'lac' meaning "milk" and the word cabbage is determined from the term "Normanno-Picard caboche". Both come from different plant species. Lettuce traces its origin to the Lactuca or Asteraceae family, on the other hand, Cabbage belongs to the Brassica plant family. Cabbage consists of a short stem and a head that forms a bulb-type shape. It is normally in green  colour and the outer leaves are hard to eat while the inner ones are softer. It looks greener then cabbage owing the high amount of chlorophyll.

Compared to cabbage lettuce is soft in texture and has high water content. Cabbage has higher more nutritious than as compared to lettuce. A100g of cabbage is richer in vitamin c.  Here are some interesting differences between the two, which will also help you find out which is a healthier option. Scroll down to know more about cabbage vs lettuce before you take your next trip to the grocery store: Different plant species Lettuce and Cabbage come from different plant species. Lettuce traces its origin to the Lactuca or Asteraceae family on the other hand Cabbage belongs to the Brassica plant family. How that grow Cabbage and lettuce differ in growing condition. Whereas lettuce grows best in the shade while cabbage grows in cool temperatures. Lettuce is grown in sandy soil with a pH value of 6 or 7 on the other hand cabbage can thrive in different varieties of soil as long as the pH value does not exceed 6.5. Difference in appearance It is usually green in colour and the outer leaves are harder to eat while the inner ones are softer.On the other hand, lettuce also has a short stem and the leaves wrap around each other. It tends to be greener than cabbage, owing to a high amount of chlorophyll. Compared to cabbage, lettuce is soft in texture and has high water content. The leaves in cabbage are more tightly packed than the leaves in Lettuce. Cabbage is denser and heavier than lettuce. Lettuce is a leafy green Cabbage belongs to the family of cruciferous vegetable and can be grouped together with cauliflower and broccoli, whereas lettuce is a leafy green. Cabbage is more nutritious Vitamin A nad folic acid is in lettuce. Cabbage contains glutamine, which has anti-inflammatory properties.

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