Know the misconceptions about YOGA

Yoga has become very popular nowadays. Scientifically, it helps the body. It also keeps the mind calm while making the body beautiful and healthy. But there is some misconception about yoga that people believe to be true. It is said that yoga can make fit by doing some asana, but there is a special way of controlling the movement of breath in every posture, which can lead to a major loss due to mistake.

It is also said that Yoga can be done with music as well. Let us tell you that yoga will require concentration. In Yoga, breathing is practiced, its fluctuations are felt. It is said to concentrate on breathe. Concentration dissolves with music.

Yoga can not be learned from the book. To learn yoga, a trainer or guru is needed. It is said in the book, how to do yoga, but it is not known about problems coming during this period.

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