Know what you need to know about BB, CC and DD cream

In today's time, BB Cream and CC Cream is getting very famous, it helps to hide the stain. There has been a lot of change in the beauty industry at some time. The trend of BB and CC cream has increased, DD Cream has also joined this race. All this is Foundation based cream.

The characteristics of this cream are different. BB means beauty balm or Blemish balm, which is considered to be the best cream for make-up and skin care. This is more than a fairness cream. It equals the color of the skin. Makes blurry too light. BB Cream can also be used everyday. The CC cream can also be called the complexion cream. This is like BB Cream.

This helps to highlight color tone. It is possible to become more blond with this option. It is made more beneficial by adding sunscream. DD Cream means Dynamic Do. It has the characteristics of both BB and CC Cream. It is like a super cream. It also helps to keep the skin hydrated throughout the day.

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