Know Your Daily Horoscope Here!


Warmth glows in your relationships, today. Why not travel, study, or undertake research to get yourself thoroughly acquainted with information that will be crucial to your success?


Control the temptation to abuse positions of power, as power should never be used to settle personal scores. This is an otherwise good day when things go according to your plans. Exciting developments are possible in romantic matters and it's also a good day for long-distance journeys and for trade-related activities.


Today's planetary alignments favour forming bonds with experienced types, so you can further your prospects. There is possibility of receiving special favours but be selective and exercise discretion. Do you really want to receive them? Some gifts may come with loaded responsibilities, or hidden obligations. Perhaps it is best to refuse such offers politely.


Today an eclipse falls across your friendship and romance axis, creating tension with associates and some potential obstacles to the achievement of your hopes and wishes. Artistic talents can be expressed, but cross words and obstruction create dissension in the neighbourhood.


Are you disillusioned by the lack of material rewards and recognition you get from your career? Don't be tempted to cut off relationships without any clear-cut sense of purpose or reality. Those who come into your life are more apt to need your help than be in positions to help you.


This is a day when fresh developments can happen in your life - on the career front, or in romance. You will enjoy absolute clarity of ideas and goals, finding it easier to charm others with your originality and unique approach. Rise above selfish goals or ideals and give your best, as this will ensure your success.


Today a fortunate vibration declares that a truly excellent outcome can be expected, with some financial benefit, so control your anger and make allowances for the past.


Today think carefully before implementing your ideas. You may have to travel some distance to resolve key matters in current projects. This is likely to be fruitful, thank heavens.


Guard your professional secrets, so your rivals can't steal your thunder! there's a possibility of significant breakthroughs. However, avoid overindulgence, as that could dissipate your creative energies.


It's a dizzying sort of day, when the cosmic connections are changing so often that our lives seem more like rollercoasters. Your ideas and discussions focus on lawyers and legal matters, debates, contract negotiations, partnership or other alliances, and joint ventures of any kind.


Pull your energy into gear and aim for the prize. It will not be easy today, because a great deal of sudden confusion can descend, but your ideas will be good, so long as you stay focused.


Today you become increasingly aware of your personal status and influence with workmates or subordinates.It's also a good time to check the state of your general health. Why not look into a great new diet regime, or a fitness program?

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